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Friends and supporters of Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer (LBBC) gathered recently for an exclusive insight into the latest translational research and future of bowel cancer care.

A Cabrini Health initiative, LBBC has played a leading role in bowel cancer research and prevention since it was established in 2001.  Chairman of LBBC and Head of Cabrini Monash University Department of Surgery, Professor Paul McMurrick, shared key advancements in preventing the second biggest cause of cancer-related deaths in Australia.

“The number of people developing bowel cancer under the age of 50 is disturbing, with an increase from 2% to 10% in recent years.  The key is raising awareness of the importance of early detection through bowel cancer screening from the age of 45, a change recently endorsed by the Federal Government,” shared Prof McMurrick.

While significant progress has been made, funds raised for LBBC are crucial to enable us to conduct critical research to improve the health outcomes of our patients and the community.

To support this vital bowel cancer research donate here