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Leave a gift in your will

Leave a legacy of hope. A gift to the Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer and Cabrini Foundation in your Will could make a lasting contribution in the fight to find a cure for bowel cancer.

After you have looked after your loved ones, your generosity would help provide ongoing funding for Australian researchers to advance new treatments, help facilitate clinical trials of new drugs and therapies and ultimately help ‘make hope real’ for Australians with bowel cancers.

Who can leave a bequest?

You do not have to be wealthy to leave a gift in your Will to Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer (LBBC) and make a significant difference. We value every gift as a privilege – whatever the amount or type.

Do I need a new will?

No. You can simply add a clause (a codicil) to your existing Will.

What type of gift can I leave to Let's Beat Bowel Cancer in my will?

Bequests can be made in a variety of ways to suit your personal preferences. You can leave the whole or part of the residue of your estate, percentage of your estate, a specific sum of money, property, stocks and shares or superannuation and life insurance policies.

Can I direct my gift to a specific area?

Your gift could be directed to a specific purpose or remain unrestricted. Areas you could direct your gift to include:

  • The hospital’s most urgent needs first
  • Treatment and care of patients
  • A particular facility or specific service
  • Research
  • Education

An unrestricted or “general purpose” gift will have the most impact as it allows LBBC to direct your gift where it is most needed at the time.

We encourage you to discuss your wishes with us and any specific area you would like your bequest directed. Please contact Bronwyn Sugden, Donor Relations Manager – Bequests on 9508 1376 to arrange a confidential discussion or email

What is the suggested wording for my will?

It is important you clearly identify Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer in the wording so we may ensure your wishes are honoured.

“I leave to Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer at Cabrini Health Ltd, ABN 91 637 994 720, ACN 108 515 073 of Malvern Victoria, to be administered by Cabrini Foundation, free from all duties, the whole of my estate [or…the residue of my estate / or % of my estate / or the sum of $…/ or description of property] to be applied for its general purposes in such a manner as Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer may determine. The receipt of an authorised officer of Cabrini Health or Cabrini Foundation shall be sufficient discharge to my executor and/or trustee.”

Cabrini Foundation is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) by the Australian Taxation Office.

Where can I get advice?

Let’s Beat Bowel Cancer does not directly offer legal advice. We encourage you to seek independent advice. We suggest contacting the Law Council of Australia or the Law Institute of Victoria (or other relevant state body) to find a suitable solicitor. The advice can also be sought from the offices of the State Trustees or commercial firms Perpetual or Equity Trustees.

Who do I contact for more information?

If you have further questions, would like a confidential discussion or receive our Gifts in Wills information pack, please contact:

Bronwyn Sugden
Donor Relations Manager – Bequests
Cabrini Foundation
P: 9508 1376